(gentle music) - If you ever need, you know, bike stuff for the future- - I'll call you first, then Evel Knievel.
- She's a police officer that was part of the Edinburgh police unit.
When the Marine Homicide team are in Edinburgh investigating a murder, she's sort of tagged on, and I guess Annika likes her so much that she transfers her.
Also, Harper likes it so much that she transfers to the MHU.
- Weren't you told?
- Annika likes to wait a few years before she tells me the big stuff.
- Okay, shall we see the body?
- Harper is feisty and witty and it feels like she's pretty hands-on.
She rides around on a motorbike, she tackles the suspect.
She's very cool, much cooler than me.
(laughs) She is very, very good at her job, basically.
- He was going to a friend's lock-in.
- That would've been at Oliver's.
- But he didn't get there, right?
- She can kind of keep to pace with Annika, which is obviously needed on the team.
I think she's just got a great dynamic with everybody else, she fits in really well with that family.
- Oh, the watch,.
- She immediately slots in as a member of the team.
Super bright, super capable, really efficient, almost better than any of us at the job, and she's immediately absorbed and adored.
She also seems to accept the strangeness of the team.
I mean, that is what this team needs.
It needs the outliers and the oddballs.
They need special individuals in their team.
They're an odd little group on the fringes of policing and Harper fits right in.
- The way I've always seen it is that Harper just finds Annika... She's like this riddle.
And that's really exciting to work with someone that you kind of think, God, are they a genius or are they just a bit crazy?
I don't know what it is.
And I think that's how she sees Annika.
And the way Harper's written as well.
She just slots perfectly into the team, and there's such a great sense of humor among, I don't know, like in the script, but also among all of us.
It's just been an absolute delight to work with these amazing people.