Greener Pastures

Greener Pastures

Premiered March 25, 2024

Directed by

Samuel-Ali Mirpoorian

Four Midwestern farm families persevere through climate change, industrialization, and mental health crises.


About the Documentary

There is a mental health crisis happening for many American farmers. A combination of climate change and the pandemic have contributed to increasing economic uncertainty and isolation. Following four family farms in the Midwest over several years, the documentary Greener Pastures is a story of perseverance and survival within the farming industry in the heartland.

The Filmmakers

Samuel-Ali Mirpoorian

Samuel-Ali Mirpoorian is an award-winning Iranian-American filmmaker exploring themes at the intersection of time, health, and science. His work has been featured in The New York Times, The Atlantic, and NBC. In 2023, he was named a PBS Wyncote Fellow and is a recipient of the Kodak Motion Picture Film Bronze Award for Excellence in Filmmaking.

Ian Robertson Kibbe

Ian Robertson Kibbe is a Southern raised, Midwest based, mixed-race, white-presenting, Chicago filmmaker with a love of rural stories. He produced the award-winning Kartemquin Film's Raising Bertie. Presently, he's co-chair of the DPA's Equity & Inclusion Committee and an alum of IFP Labs, Good Pitch, and Doc Society Climate Story Fund.

Full Credits


  • Mountainfilm in Telluride

    2023 Grand Prize Jury Award

  • Minneapolis-St. Paul International Film Festival

    Best of Fest 2023

  • Rhode Island International Film Festival

    First Jury Prize Award for the Green Planet Award 2023