For something we use every day, energy is a pretty mysterious concept. This Lab investigates what energy is, how it can be converted into useful forms, and why some sources are running low. In our Research Challenge, you'll use scientific data to design renewable energy systems for cities across the U.S.—and compete with others to see whose designs can produce the most power.
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Energy Video Quizzes
Fossil fuels have fed our growing appetite for energy, but they won’t last forever. How can we use and produce energy more efficiently? And what are our renewable energy alternatives to fossil fuels?
Meet the Experts
Find out how scientists and engineers working with energy started out; get a sense of what a typical day in their job looks like; and see what they recommend to those who want to follow in their footsteps.
Video Library
Go to the library of all the NOVA Labs videos, including the Energy Lab videos: Growing Appetites, Limited Resources; A Never-Ending Supply; Solar Power; Wind Power; Solving the Storage Problem; and Toward a Smarter Grid.
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